This Fall, Pieter is launching JAS Club Presents, a series of monthly trainings intended to hone the anti-violence and community safety skills of LA’s dancers, artists, and healers. At Pieter, we believe that safety facilitates embodiment, and that taking care of one another is a choreography we can all learn. Trainings are designed for people who organize or staff art & performance-based events, programs, and parties in LA with the hope that our learning will ripple across each of our communities through ongoing practice.

This series is guided by the work of Pieter’s Justice, Accountability, & Safety (JAS) Club, made up of staff, board members, teaching artists & other stakeholders committed to shifting the culture of Pieter to center the needs of queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, & disabled dancers.

Check back with our events page for all the latest dates!

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We want to hear from you!

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