As we strive to be an accessible and affordable space for those who historically have not been centered in arts and performance spaces, we are pleased to offer the Pieter Aligned Access Program (PAAP) to a limited number of qualifying renters. PAAP is intended to serve those who are facing financial barriers to renting the studio at our community rates and who are of the intersecting identities of Black, Indigenous, POC, SSWANA, LGBTQIA+ or Disabled.
After completing an Orientation, you will be directed to fill out our New Rental Inquiry Form. On this form you may request access to the PAAP application. Once we receive your completed PAAP application, we will review your answers and you will receive one of two responses:
You will receive a 30% discount code to continue booking under our new PAAP program.
You will be asked to book using our community rental rates.
If you have any questions about this program, please feel free to reach out to pieterrentals@gmail.com